Осторожно, сальмонеллез!

An infectious intestinal disease caused by bacteria belonging to the Salmonella genus.

The source of salmonellosis infection is various farm and wild animals, as well as birds.

At home, the infection process usually occurs when gutting ducks, chickens, geese and consuming insufficiently thermally processed meat.

To avoid disease you must:

  • strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene
  • observe product proximity when storing products (separate storage of raw and finished products is necessary, including separate storage of raw eggs)
  • maintain temperature conditions during storage of all products, according to requirements
  • carry out sufficient heat treatment of food
  • carry out thorough processing of used equipment and utensils, followed by separate storage (for raw and finished products).

Remember! If you notice the first signs of any intestinal disorder, consult your doctor immediately.

Self-medication is unacceptable! Only a specialist, using laboratory tests, can make the correct diagnosis, prescribe the necessary treatment and thereby prevent complications of the disease.

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