Dear visitors!

In accordance with the Instructions on the procedure for conducting clinical examination of the population (sorry, only in russian) the following examinations are performed:

No. Laboratory, instrumental and other studies Frequency of conducting Note
18-39 years 40 years and older
1 "Assessment of symptoms and signs of precancerous and tumor diseases (form 1-A)" Once every 3 years 1 time per year
2 General blood test Once every 3 years 1 time per year
3 General urine test Once every 3 years 1 time per year
4 "Biochemical blood test (creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, total cholesterol, triglycerides)" Once every 3 years 1 time per year
5 Blood glucose Once every 3 years 1 time per year Patients with an established diagnosis of diabetes mellitus undergo a study of the level of glycated hemoglobin with a frequency established by the clinical protocol
6 Electrocardiography Once every 3 years 1 time per year
7 X-ray fluorographic examination of the chest organs Once every 3 years 1 time per year For mandatory contingents and contingents at risk of developing tuberculosis of the respiratory organs, X-ray fluorographic examination of the chest organs is carried out annually
8 Measurement of intraocular pressure - 1 time per year
9 Medical examination of women in the examination room, including examination and palpation of the mammary glands Once every 3 years 1 time per year
10 Collection of biological material from the cervix for the purpose of early diagnosis of precancerous and tumor diseases 21–29 years PAP test once every 3 years 30–39 years HPV test once every 6 years 40-60 years HPV test 1 time per 5 years A test is used to determine the presence of 14 genotypes of the human papillomavirus (HPV test) of high carcinogenic risk (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 and 68 genotypes)
11 Mammography of both mammary glands in two projections - 49-58 years 1 time per 3 years
12 Determination of prostate-specific antigen (men) - 50-65 years 1 time per 2 years
13 Examination by a general practitioner, district therapist Once every 3 years 1 time per year It is carried out in the presence of pathological deviations based on the results of examination and diagnostic tests. For patients with an established diagnosis chronic disease, a diagnostic examination is carried out in the volume determined by clinical protocols
14 Examination of the oral cavity by a dentist paramedic/dentist or otolaryngologist Once every 3 years Once every 3 years

All other types of studies are prescribed by the doctor after examination and determination of indications in accordance with the diagnoses.

For more information, see your doctor or your outpatient physician assistant.

Dear residents of the clinic’s service area!

In order to preserve and improve health and as part of a medical examination, the health care institution “Brest City Polyclinic No. 2” invites you to visit the clinic for an examination as part of a medical examination.

To complete the survey and receive referrals, you can contact:

  • doctor assistants for outpatient care in clinical examination room No. 227 (2nd floor of the clinic),
  • to the staff of pre-medical office No. 112 (1st floor of the clinic)

from 8:00 to 20:00 without a coupon, in order of priority.

Telephone for inquiries: +375 29 175-64-28.

Once you have received your referrals, you should schedule a visit to your GP to receive advice on your test results.