Наркомания Addiction Наркаманія

March 1, 2025 – International Day against Drug Abuse. On February 28, Brest Region organized advisory assistance on drug addiction prevention: Brest Regional Narcological Dispensary Narcologists: 8 0162 53-28-66; 8 0162 23-66-72. Call from 8:00 to 20:00. Psychotherapist: 8 0162 53-47-02. Call from 9:00 to 13:00. Brest Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health…

Всемирный день борьбы с гепатитом Сусветны дзень барацьбы з гепатытам World Hepatitis Day

Hepatitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the liver due to various factors: autoimmune and infectious processes, toxic substances such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and which ends in cirrhosis or liver cancer. There are 5 main hepatitis viruses, called types A, B, C, D and E. General symptoms are intoxication, pain in the right…

День профилактики инфекций, передающихся половым путем

February 21 – Sexually Transmitted Infections Prevention Day. STIs often occur latent. If you do not seek medical attention in a timely manner, they can lead to serious complications and long-term consequences. The most common of these are inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, infection of the fetus and newborn child, male…

Культура безопасности жизнедеятельности в январе (видео)

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Респираторный этикет

Many people do not consider a runny nose, cough, and even a slight increase in temperature to be a serious ailment. However, a person who sneezes and coughs not only worsens his condition by ignoring doctors’ advice to remain calm, but also risks infecting his colleagues with the flu. Respiratory etiquette or a set of…

Культура безопасности жизнедеятельности в январе (видео)

Sorry, the videos are only available in Russian.

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Порядок диспансеризации взрослого и детского населения

The Ministry of Health approved the instructions that determine the procedure for the medical examination of adults and children. the instructions are approved by departmental decisions of December 16, 2024 No. 173 and No. 174, respectively. Important: Dispensirization of adults aged: 18-39 years are held within one working day-once every three years; adults aged 40…

Вакцынацыя супраць грыпу Вакцинация против гриппа Vaccination against influenza

Given the ongoing influenza epidemic in the European Region, favorable weather conditions, and low incidence of influenza, the Ministry of Health has decided to extend the influenza vaccination campaign in order to protect our risk groups. It should be noted that currently the influenza activity in the European Region is 24% and exceeds the epidemic…

Использование пиротехники опасно!

In the Brest region, 6 minors were injured in the first days of the New Year. Do not allow children to use pyrotechnics! The resulting injuries can turn into a tragedy for the rest of their lives. The Ministry of Emergency Situations reminds: when purchasing pyrotechnic products, study the instructions for use and strictly follow…

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