Всемирный день борьбы с гепатитом

July 28 – World Hepatitis Day. A Direct Telephone Line has been set up to discuss treatment and prevention of hepatitis in the Brest Region. Brest Regional Clinical Hospital: Phone: 8 0162 27 22 48 from 11:00 to 15:00 (infectious disease specialist). Brest Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Health Protection: For questions about the…

День профилактики алкоголизма

July 11th is Alcoholism Prevention Day. On issues of prevention and treatment of alcohol addiction,Direct telephone lineshave been organized for patients and their relatives in the Brest region. Health care institution “Brest Regional Narcological Dispensary”: Narcologist. Phone: 8 (0162) 53-28-66 from 8:00 to 20:00, July 10 and 11. Psychotherapist. Phone: 8 (0162) 53-47-02, July 10…

Оказание помощи пострадавшим от домашнего насилия

What do you know about violence? Domestic violence – intentional illegal or immoral actions of a physical, psychological or sexual nature of close relatives, ex-spouses, citizens with a common child (children), or other citizens who live (lived) together and lead (led) ) common household, in relation to each other, causing physical and (or) mental suffering….

"Кризисная" комната "Крызісны" пакой "Crisis" room

Dear city residents! If you find yourself in a difficult life situation, in a state that is dangerous to your health and life, in a conflict with other family members, have been subjected to psychophysical violence, or have become a victim of human trafficking, you can seek help. To provide assistance, there is a “Kcrisis”…

Фонд социальном защиты населения

In order to further monitor the Social Protection Fund of the Republic of Belarus on the timeliness of payment of state benefits, an information telephone line with a short number 122 has been introduced. Have you not been paid your benefits on time? Call – 122. Calling hours: Monday – Friday from 8:30 to 13:00…

Осторожно, сальмонеллез!

An infectious intestinal disease caused by bacteria belonging to the Salmonella genus. The source of salmonellosis infection is various farm and wild animals, as well as birds. At home, the infection process usually occurs when gutting ducks, chickens, geese and consuming insufficiently thermally processed meat. To avoid disease you must: strictly observe the rules of…

World No Tobacco Day

Protect children from tobacco industry interference. From May 31 to June 28, events are being held in all administrative territories of the BREST region as part of the anti-tobacco information and educational campaign. Consultations with specialists on issues of freedom from tobacco addiction: Brest Regional Narcological Dispensary: Psychotherapist – 8 (0162) 53 47 02. Call…

Памятка по профилактике экстремизма

Extremism (from French exremisme, from Latin) is “an extremely dangerous phenomenon in the life of any society. It creates a threat to the foundations of the constitutional order, the territorial integrity of the Republic of Belarus, the creation of illegal armed groups, the implementation of terrorist activities, incitement to racial, national or religious hatred or…

What to do if you find suspicious objects

Reminder on ensuring security when detecting suspicious objects. If suspicious objects or objects that raise the slightest doubt are detected, all of them must be considered EXPLOSIVE. For the sake of personal safety and the safety of other people, when suspicious or questionable items are discovered, you must report the find by phone 101, 102….

Международный день семьи

May 15 is International Family Day. As part of the Health Day, information and educational events and consultations with specialists are held in order to popularize a healthy lifestyle, improve the demographic situation, preserve and strengthen the health of the region’s population. The Brest Regional Maternity Hospital, with the participation of a urologist-andrologist and an…

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