Population injuries are one of the most important problems of public health and healthcare, the relevance of which is determined not only by medical, but also by socio-economic aspects. The highest level of injuries is observed in men aged 20-49 years, in women – 30-59 years.
According to WHO, more than 5 million people die every year in the world as a result of injuries and other accidents (external causes), which is about 9% of the total number of deaths.
Injury, or trauma is usually called the consequence of exposure to a person of an external factor (mechanical, physical, chemical, radioactive, X-ray, electrical, etc.), disrupting the structure and integrity of tissues and the normal course of physiological processes. Depending on the nature of the tissue being injured, a distinction is made between cutaneous (bruises, wounds), subcutaneous (ligament ruptures, bone fractures, etc.) and cavity (bruises, hemorrhages, chest, abdominal, joint wounds). Injuries can be single (e.g., a fracture of a bone), multiple (several fractures), combined (bone fractures with damage to internal organs) and combined (a bone fracture and, for example, frostbite or burns, etc.).
Traumatism can and should be prevented. There is a wealth of evidence that the way forward lies through the adoption of a range of different approaches and specific measures: changing the environment, designing and manufacturing safe products, passing legislation requiring these changes, education.
A successful solution to the problem of reducing injuries and mortality from external causes is possible only with the condition of joint actions of state structures at the interdepartmental level, support of the events (to form a healthy and safe lifestyle) by public organizations and, very importantly, by the general public.
Take care of yourself!!!
UZ “Brest City Polyclinic No. 2”. Deputy Chief Physician Tatyana Romanovna Mikhalevskaya.