The Ministry of Health approved the instructions that determine the procedure for the medical examination of adults and children.
the instructions are approved by departmental decisions of December 16, 2024 No. 173 and No. 174, respectively.
- Dispensirization of adults aged: 18-39 years are held within one working day-once every three years;
- adults aged 40 years and five years before reaching a common retirement age – once a year;
- Within two working days once a year, a medical examination of persons who have reached a common retirement age, as well as for five years until this age,
Dispensirization of children is carried out in dispensary observation groups up to 1 year and from 1 year to 17 years. Various schemes for its conduct, depending on age, the presence of a risk of the development of diseases, have been established. It is carried out by a local pediatrician or general practitioner serving the children’s population in outpatient organizations at the place of their actual residence.
Decree of the Ministry of Health dated December 16, 2024 No. 173 “On the procedure for conducting the medical examination of the adult population” approved the instruction on the procedure for conducting an adultal population and the resolution of the department dated August 30, 2023 No. 125 “On the procedure for conducting an adult and children’s medical examination population “.
In the new version, the instructions on the procedure for conducting a medical examination of the adult population regarding the old document, there are changes:
- List of diseases (conditions) subject to medical supervision on an outpatient basis (adult population);
- List of diseases (conditions) subject to medical supervision on an outpatient basis (children’s population);
- questionnaire for the detection of risk factors for the development of non -infectious diseases and the subsequent determination of laboratory and diagnostic studies in the adult population.
- A map of assessing the symptoms and signs of preventive and tumor diseases.
- The wording of individual points of the instructions.
- criteria for the effectiveness of the medical examination of the adult population.
In the scheme of the medical examination of the adult population added:
- examination of the oral cavity by a dental assistant/dentist or otolaryngologist;
- the list of biochemical blood test parameters (creatinine, ALT, total cholesterol, triglycerides) has been expanded and the frequency of the test has been established;
- the frequency of a general blood test, general urine test, blood glucose test, and electrocardiography has been established;
- the frequency of medical examinations of women in the examination room, collection of biological material from the cervix for the early diagnosis of precancerous and tumor diseases, and mammography of the mammary glands has been adjusted;
- the frequency of the test to determine prostate-specific antigen for men has been adjusted;
the definition of the presence of human papillomavirus genotypes during high-risk HPV testing has been clarified (14 genotypes).
The regulations came into force on January 1, 2025.
Press Service of the Ministry of Health.