Респираторный этикет

Many people do not consider a runny nose, cough, and even a slight increase in temperature to be a serious ailment. However, a person who sneezes and coughs not only worsens his condition by ignoring doctors’ advice to remain calm, but also risks infecting his colleagues with the flu.

Respiratory etiquette or a set of rules of conduct in public places during the seasonal rise in acute respiratory infections:

  • When coughing and sneezing, use a handkerchief or disposable paper napkins, which should be thrown away immediately after use;
  • If you do not have a handkerchief, sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow;
  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and try not to touch your lips, nose and eyes with your hands;
  • If possible, avoid coughing and sneezing people in closed spaces and keep your distance from them.

By following simple preventive measures, you will not only avoid harming others, but you will also recover faster yourself!

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