Не прожигай свою жизнь!

On November 4, the Emergencies Ministry campaign “Don’t burn your life away!” starts in Brest. “Drank-lit-fell asleep” is the formula for a fire that annually takes the lives of smokers. Careless handling of fire while smoking is one of the main causes of fires in the Republic of Belarus. The statistics on fire incidents that…

Всемирная неделя рационального использования антибиотиков

World Antibiotic Awareness Week is being held in Belarus from November 1 to 6, 2024. This problem concerns us all. It poses a threat to humans, animals, plants and the environment. The problem of the correct use of antimicrobials was first raised by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015. Since then, large-scale events have…

Всемирный День борьбы с псориазом

Every year on October 29 the world celebrates Psoriasis Day – one of the most common dermatological diseases. Today, about 3% of the population of our country suffers from this disease. Psoriasis, also known colloquially as “scaly lichen“, is a non-contagious hereditary chronic skin disease. This means that no one can become infected with psoriasis,…

Всемирный день артрита Сусветны дзень артрыта World Arthritis Day

October 12 – World Arthritis Day. World Arthritis Day has been held annually on the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1996. The main goals of this Day are to attract the attention of the general public around the world to the problem of rheumatological diseases, to raise awareness of arthritis in all…

10 октября - Всемирный День психического здоровья

Mental health (according to the World Health Organization) is a state of well-being in which an individual can realise his or her potential, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and make a contribution to his or her community. Mental health is not the absence of mental disorders. Being mentally healthy…

Вакцынацыя супраць грыпу Вакцинация против гриппа Vaccination against influenza

Dear visitors! The Brest City Clinic No. 2 offers flu vaccinationfree of charge. Vaccination will be carried out with a vaccine for the prevention of influenza Grippol Plus (produced in the Russian Federation). The following persons are subject to vaccination: suffering from chronic diseases; educational institution employees; students of universities, colleges; health workers. For access…

Всемирный день паллиативной и хосписной помощи World Palliative and Hospice Care Day Сусветны дзень паліятыўнай і хоспіснай дапамогі

World Palliative and Hospice Care Day is observed on October 7, 2023. Hotline telephones are working. As part of the World Palliative and Hospice Day held on October 7, 2024, a hotline is operating at the Brest City Hospital of Palliative Care at the following number: 8 0162 25-74-93. Call from 10:00 to 13:00. Anyone…

Семья без насилия

Family is one of the greatest values ​​created by mankind throughout history, but not everyone manages to preserve it. Domestic violence is intentional illegal or immoral actions of a physical, psychological or sexual nature of close relatives, former spouses, citizens who have a common child (children). Or other citizens who live (lived) together and run…

World Patient Safety Day

September 17 – World Patient Safety Day Topic of the day – “Improving diagnostics for patient safety” As part of the Health Day, thematic information and educational events, consultations with specialists on the implementation of treatment and diagnostic procedures are held in healthcare organizations of the Brest region. Patient safety culture. Recommendations for the population….

Программа акции в СДК Вистычи

As part of the implementation of the state preventive project “Chernavchitsky Village Council – Territory of Health” and the information and educational campaign “We are the healthy generation of Brest region” VISTYCHI – NEWS Program of the campaign in the rural house of culture Vistychi: September 21, 2024 from 10:00 to 14:00. 10:00 – 10:30…

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