Leadership to communities.
December 1 – World HIV Prevention Day.
Today World AIDS Day is more than just a day to celebrate social achievements. This is a call to action to empower communities to combat the spread of HIV.
Communities are organizations of people affected by HIV or at risk. Communities connect people with healthcare organizations, instill trust, and provide psychological support.
The red ribbon is an international symbol of awareness, support and solidarity with people living with HIV.
Consultation on HIV/AIDS issues can be obtained at the territorial centers of hygiene and epidemiology or at the department for the prevention of HIV infection and parenteral viral hepatitis at the Brest Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health:
- 8 0162 53-06-59.
- 8 0162 58-94-54.
- 8 0162 53-07-06.
Testing for HIV infection, including anonymous testing, can be done in any medical institution that has a treatment room.
Our clinic has a telephone line for HIV prevention:
- 8 0162 21-40-97.
HIV counseling and testing servicesfor key population groups in the Brest region are provided by:
UZ “Brest Regional Narcological Dispensary” – an office for the prevention of HIV infection and parenteral viral hepatitis for injection drug users.
Non-governmental non-profit organizations:
- ROO “Mothers Against Drugs”.
- NGO “Positive Movement”.
- PO “Business Women’s Club”.
- RMOO “Meeting”.
Pharmacies in the region sell kits for self-administered rapid HIV testing using saliva.