Всемирный день артрита Сусветны дзень артрыта World Arthritis Day

October 12 – World Arthritis Day.

World Arthritis Day has been held annually on the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1996.

The main goals of this Day are to attract the attention of the general public around the world to the problem of rheumatological diseases, to raise awareness of arthritis in all its forms.

Arthritis is a serious inflammatory disease of a joint or several joints, which, if left untreated, leads not only to pain and limited movement, but also to disability and loss of ability to work. Depending on the nature of the lesion, traumatic, dystrophic and rheumatoid arthritis are distinguished. It is believed that every hundredth person is susceptible to the disease, more often women are susceptible to it. The most dangerous thing is that anyone at any age can fall into the risk group for developing this disease.

Risk factors

Risk factors that cause arthritis include caffeine abuse, allergic diseases, metabolic disorders, excess weight, excessive stress on joints, active sports, concomitant injuries, certain diseases, and surgical interventions. In addition, the development of arthritis is provoked by viral and bacterial infections, hypothermia, physical and mental overload, and even excessive smoking. Arthritis is often caused by a genetic predisposition (it is known that heredity of joint and bone pathology occurs only in women), as well as environmental influences.


There is a comprehensive and systematic treatment for such a pathology as arthritis.

An effective method of preventing arthritis is the use of massage, a set of physical and general strengthening procedures, and proper nutrition.

Take care of your joints!

UZ “Brest City Polyclinic No. 2” surgeon Sulevskaya A.V.

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