November 21 is World No Smoking and Cancer Prevention Day.
In the Brest region from November 18 to 21, informational, educational and consultative events are held to prevent diseases causally related to smoking and to increase the population’s motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle.
On issues of cancer prevention and assistance in getting rid of tobacco addiction, “direct” telephone lines have been organized:
Oncologist of the Health Institution “Brest Regional Oncology Dispensary”: November 21 from 10:00 to 13:00.
Phone: 8 0162 55-86-53.
Psychologist of the Brest Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health: November 18-21 from 9:00 to 12:00.
Phone: 8 0162 32-11-55.
The clinic has a telephone line for questions on cancer prevention and assistance in getting rid of tobacco addiction:
Phone: 8 0162 21-40-60.