World Nutrition Day encourages everyone to think about their health and daily diet
Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. There is practically no organ or system in the human body whose normal functioning does not depend on nutrition. Currently, the connection between nutrition and the development of major chronic non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular and some cancers, which are the two leading causes of premature mortality in the world and in the Republic of Belarus, has been scientifically proven.
The diet of modern man is extremely unbalanced. According to the World Health Organization, humanity overeats starchy foods (bread, potatoes) by 10%, sugar by 30-35%; undernourishment of meat – by 25%, milk – by 30%, vegetables and fruits – by 45-50%.
Belarusians don’t eat the best either. According to long-term research by the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, our diet does not contain enough plant and animal proteins, healthy dietary fiber, micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), but there is an excess of fats, especially fats of animal origin, cholesterol, and sucrose. At the same time, the daily diet is often high in calories.
An unbalanced diet contributes to overweight and obesity. According to WHO, by 2016 the number of obese people in the world will exceed 2.3 billion people.
A few basic rules for healthy eating.
A lot depends on how our nutrition is organized (hair height and color, sexual activity, personal smell, figure), but especially our health. It must be taken care of from a young age, so let’s stop with exhausting diets, uncontrolled gluttony and begin a new stage of our life under the banner of proper nutrition!
Proper nutrition is not a diet!
And this must be understood immediately. Unlike a proper nutrition system, all diets are short-term, because a person will not last long on vegetables and water alone. Not only will he lose weight, but he will simply become depressed. But proper nutrition throughout your life is simply necessary! Goodbye to colds, sores and a long choice from a variety of diets, problematic skin and extra pounds! A properly selected power supply system will help cope with all these problems.
Not everyone can persuade themselves to give up fatty foods, hot dogs and hamburgers. Just like with a diet, there are dos and don’ts. And although there are not so many of them, you still have to curb your gastronomic desires and adapt to a certain diet. The hardest thing is in the first weeks, when every time you go to a store or restaurant you will have to remind yourself of new principles of life and limit yourself a little. But what character training! It will probably be easier for avid dieters at this stage. But then some problems will begin, since their body is not accustomed to long periods of self-restraint in food. By the way, you can also introduce your significant other to a proper nutrition regimen; it’s still easier together, and she will be happy with such trust on your part.
It is important to note that for every person who has any chronic diseases, consulting a doctor when drawing up a nutrition plan is mandatory. You may need not just proper, but therapeutic nutrition. Today there is enough information on this issue in various reference books of official and traditional medicine, but it is better to get tested in a specialized institution.
12 principles of proper nutrition
- FrequencyOne of the main rules of proper nutrition is to eat several times a day, preferably at least 3-5 times, but in small portions and at the same time.
- Variety. Meals should be varied and not too extravagant. There is no need to become a sadomasochistic maniac, trying to force-feed yourself some spinach or cauliflower, hated since childhood. But still, it’s impossible to do without suffering completely. The amount of fatty, fried, spicy and sour foods will have to be limited. The human body needs a huge amount of organic and mineral substances for normal functioning, and they must be present in your diet.
- Gradual It is difficult to immediately give up your usual diet, so include “healthy” foods in your diet gradually. Buy yourself or give your girlfriend (wife, mother, grandmother, neighbor – underline as appropriate) a steamer. It will retain all the beneficial substances contained in the products, and at the same time protect you from fats. You should also reduce your salt and sugar intake.
- Energy balance People are like the rabbits in that famous battery ad: they won’t make it to the finish line or enjoy the evening’s joys if their energy reserves run low. Food must replenish our energy losses and the nutrition system must take this into account. Study the table of caloric content of foods and estimate your energy consumption for the day.
- Breakfast is a must. It must be complete and varied; coffee and cheese sandwiches are clearly not enough. The best option is to return to childhood with oatmeal or buckwheat. Whatever suits anyone’s taste. If you don’t have time in the morning, and there’s no one to cook, you can have a snack with a banana, apple or yogurt. It’s good to eat a soft-boiled egg or an omelet and instead of coffee drink a cup of freshly brewed tea (preferably green and, of course, without sugar).
- Eat on a schedule. For work/school, you can take a wheat bread, a muesli bar, a mixture of dried fruits and nuts, an apple or a piece of cheese. All this will help you last until lunch in a good mood. Those who work the night shift should not refuse to eat, but be sure to eat something sweet (glucose will help the body cope with a stressful situation and nourish the nervous system that falls asleep).
- Dilute your diet. During lunch and dinner, do not forget about thick soups, they promote better digestion and do not overload the stomach. The amount of alcohol needs to be reduced. Drink juice, tea or still mineral water. But forget any soda like a bad dream. ANY soda negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract – ask a nutritionist.
- Sweet does not mean healthy. For those who have a sweet tooth, we advise you not to overuse cakes and pastries with cream or a lot of chocolate. For example, fresh cottage cheese with fruits or berries, marmalade, and honey are useful. Desserts, by the way, contrary to popular belief, are better to eat before the main meal – this will help reduce your appetite and prevent you from overeating. Fruits eaten at the end of a heavy lunch or dinner take too long to digest and lose all their beneficial substances. It’s better to treat yourself to an apple, orange or banana between meals, or right before meals.
- Don’t forget about genes. When choosing foods, try to delve into your family’s genealogy. For example, if your ancestors are from the North, then fish and meat dishes are welcome in your food system, but exotic fruits are not allowed. Perhaps the genes have not yet had time to “get used” to this type of food. That, however, does not prevent you from doing a little experiment.
- Fruits and vegetables are essential. This is one of the foundations of proper nutrition. They should definitely be present in your diet. They contain much-needed dietary fiber and vitamins for our body. A lack of fruit in the diet can cause increased thirst (you have to drink a lot, increasing the load on the heart and kidneys) and the need to take “canned” vitamins, which differ significantly from their natural counterparts. But you shouldn’t eat only fruits and salads all day long, as this leads to an upset stomach and other problems associated with the digestion process, because there is, so to speak, not enough protein in vegetables.
- Dose fats.Do not refuse foods containing fats.
- Most importantly, observe moderation in everything.You shouldn’t drive yourself into inhumane conditions, but also don’t treat your diet irresponsibly.
Beauty and health are in your hands, or rather, on your plate. It’s up to you to decide what to do with them and what sauce to add!