The anonymous chat bot “Help” began functioning in the Telegram messenger, aimed at providing assistance minors who have become victims of crimes of a sexual nature.
The administration of the Moskovsky district of Brest informs all legal representatives (parents) of minors that in order to prevent and prevent crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of minors, the anonymous chat bot “Help” has begun to function in the Telegram messenger to provide assistance to minors who have become victims crimes of a sexual nature.
Kids.pomogut.by is an Internet portal for children, developed by the Office of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, which is aimed at preventing and combating the exploitation of children on the Internet.
- Chatbot: @HelperKidsBot.
- Help hotline: 8-801-100-16-11.
- Internet portal for children: kids.pomogut. by.
- Police: 102
Administration of the Moskovsky district of Brest.