День профилактики алкоголизма

July 11th is Alcoholism Prevention Day.

On issues of prevention and treatment of alcohol addiction,Direct telephone lineshave been organized for patients and their relatives in the Brest region.

Health care institution “Brest Regional Narcological Dispensary”:

  • Narcologist. Phone: 8 (0162) 53-28-66 from 8:00 to 20:00, July 10 and 11.
  • Psychotherapist. Phone: 8 (0162) 53-47-02, July 10 from 9:00 to 15:00; July 11 from 13:00 to 20:00

Public Association “Anonymous Alcoholics of Brest”:

  • AA Group “Choice”. Phone: +375 29 739 30 27. Brest, st. International, 61.
  • Anonymous partnership “Al-Anon”. Telephone number for relatives of people with alcohol addiction: “Courage to Change” group +275 29 544 97 52. “The Path to Yourself” group +375 29 597 74 65.
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