As you can see from life, drug addiction is a slow path to death. In a person addicted to drugs, almost all vital systems of the body suffer. He loses his physical health, his perception of the world is distorted, his psyche is deformed, and he loses his ability to work. However, that’s not all….


HIV infection – what does it mean? …that you have HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, in your blood. As a rule, a person feels healthy for several years after infection. However, the virus is capable of gradually destroying the body’s immune system, leading to various diseases. The last stage of HIV infection is called AIDS….

Полиомиелит Polio Поліяміэліт

Polio Poliomyelitis is a viral infectious disease that affects the nervous system and causes complete paralysis. The virus enters the body through the mouth and multiplies in the intestines. Initial symptoms are fever, fatigue, headache, nausea, stiff neck and pain in the extremities. One in 200 infections results in permanent paralysis (usually of the legs)….

How to avoid getting an intestinal infection Как не подхватить кишечную инфекцию Як не падхапіць кішачную інфекцыю

The causative agents of intestinal infections and viral hepatitis A and E enter the human body through the mouth with contaminated food, water, or with dirty hands. From the body of a sick person into the external environment, these microbes are released with feces, urine, saliva, vomit and can survive for a long time on…

Рекомендации по профилактике гриппа и ОРИ Рэкамендацыі па прафілактыцы грыпу і ВРІ Recommendations for the prevention of influenza and ARI

Acute respiratory infections (ARI) Acute respiratory infections are diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplets and are caused by various pathogens: viruses (adenoviruses, influenza viruses, parainfluenza, respiratory sentinel viruses and others) and bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci and others). Basically, pathogens of acute respiratory infections are transmitted from person to person through coughing or sneezing of…

Порядок проведения прививок The procedure for vaccinations Парадак правядзення прышчэпак

Preventive vaccinations are carried out in order to prevent, reduce the level and eliminate infectious diseases. Routine preventive vaccinations are carried out at certain times in a person’s life, regardless of the epidemic situation, to create a specific immunity of the human body (immunity) to the corresponding infectious diseases. In addition to routine preventive vaccinations,…

Что такое гепатит? Што такое гепатыт? What is hepatitis?

Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. This condition can be self-limiting or lead to the development of fibrosis (scarring), cirrhosis, or liver cancer. The most common causes of hepatitis in the world are hepatitis viruses, but it can also be caused by other infections, toxic substances (such as alcohol and some drugs), and autoimmune diseases….

Профилактика кори Preventing measles Прафілактыка адзёру

Measlesis an acute infectious disease caused by the measles virus. The disease occurs with a characteristic fever, damage to the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract, mucous membranes of the eyes and skin. Before the invention of vaccines, measles was one of the leading causes of childhood death, which is why the disease was called…

Международный день памяти людей умерших от СПИДа Міжнародны дзень памяці людзей якія памерлі ад СНІДу International Day of Remembrance for People Who Died of AIDS

International Day of Remembrance for People Who Died of AIDS is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of May in many countries around the world. This day was marked on the calendar exactly 40 years ago – back in 1983. At the same time, people began to attach a red ribbon to their clothing to…

Дзень здаровага харчавання День здорового питания Day of healthy eating

World Nutrition Day encourages everyone to think about their health and daily diet Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. There is practically no organ or system in the human body whose normal functioning does not depend on nutrition. Currently, the connection between nutrition and the development of major chronic…

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